Our smile is one of the first things people notice about us. Therefore, it is of vital importance to maintain a healthy smile. Having the confidence to flash a smile knowing we look our best uplifts our mood and helps us to be confident and outgoing when engaging with others. What if your smile needs a little TLC? Cosmetic procedures might be the answer you need to giving you the confidence to needed smile with ease. Here we will cover some highlights of the most common cosmetic procedures in the field of dentistry.
What is Cosmetic Dentistry?
Cosmetic procedures in the field of dentistry can vary from very simple procedures, such as teeth whitening, to more complex procedures such as veneers or braces. All in all, this term is referring to a dental procedure that alters the look and/or function of the teeth in some manner.
Why is Cosmetic Dentistry Called a “Smile Makeover”?
A makeover is defined as a transformation or improvement of something, especially when referring to physical appearance. A smile makeover, therefore, is a very fitting description for a variety of procedures that are designed to help make your teeth look their best. It has been said that the eyes are the window to the soul, but a healthy and attractive smile is also of great importance in boosting self-image and inspiring confidence.
Who Can Benefit From Cosmetic Dentistry?
Almost everyone has at least one issue with their teeth, whether that issue is big or small. Cosmetic procedures vary but generally speaking, individuals in good overall health with a commitment to maintaining the health of their new smile are good candidates for cosmetic dental procedures.
What are Common Types of Cosmetic Dentistry?
Some of the more common types of cosmetic dental procedures are:
- Veneers
- Invisalign
- Teeth whitening
- Crowns
- Snap-On Smile
These procedures will be addressed more thoroughly below.

What are Porcelain Veneers and Who Can Benefit From Them?
Porcelain veneers, sometimes also called laminates, are very thin shells of custom-made materials designed to look like the surface of your natural teeth. These are then bonded to the surface of your teeth, and can alter the size, overall shape, and color of them to help improve their overall appearance.
Porcelain veneers are an excellent choice for the following issues:
* Discolored teeth – Teeth that are badly discolored from previous dental work, antibiotic or excessive fluoride use, and more are a great candidate for veneers.
* Teeth that are worn down, chipped, or misaligned – Teeth that have bulges in them or minor wear and tear are also an excellent candidate for veneers.
What is Invisalign and Who Can Benefit From It?
Unlike traditional braces that are bonded directly to the surface of the teeth and remain in place for years at times, Invisalign allows the teeth to be straightened through a series of fully removable aligners. This provides a huge increase in comfort for patients who want to have straight teeth but dislike the look or the discomfort of metal braces. With Invisalign, molds are taken of your teeth and an initial aligner is made. As your teeth begin to move and straighten, more molds will be taken periodically so that new aligners can be made until your teeth reach their desired position.
How is Teeth Whitening Accomplished and Who Can Benefit From It?
In office teeth whitening is a simple, inexpensive procedure where a protective gel is placed on your gums and a whitening compound containing bleach is then applied to the surface of your teeth. Overall, people who drink a lot of coffee or tea and have stained teeth due to that, those who have tooth discoloration from tobacco or prescription medications, or those who simply have age related tooth discoloration can benefit greatly from teeth whitening. It is a simple, non invasive procedure.
What are Crowns and Who Can Benefit From Them?
A tooth crown is simply a cap that is placed over a tooth. Unlike veneers which only cover the front of the tooth, a cap is a tooth shaped shell that fits over the entire tooth to restore its shape and size. Caps also strengthen the tooth, so they are vital on teeth that have undergone extensive work or root canal therapy because these teeth are permanently weakened due to having their internal substance removed.
The best candidates for dental crowns are patients with extensive tooth decay or other damage, but who still have enough remaining of their original tooth structure to maintain the crown. Crowns are extremely important when the level of decay or damage is interfering with a patients ability to bite and chew properly, as these are serious issues that can affect nutrition in the long run.
What is Snap-on-Smile and Who Can Benefit From It?
While having a healthy, beautiful smile is important to all of us, some of us simply don’t have the time or money to invest in more invasive cosmetic dental procedures. This is where Snap-on-Smile can come in. This product was invented with just such people in mind, and is perfect for those with a more limited budget.
Similar to individually placed veneers, Snap-on-Smile is a thin set of realistic looking teeth that snap into place over your existing teeth to create the look of a beautiful set of pearly whites. Then at the end of the day, you can simply remove them and care for your teeth as usual.
Snap-on-Smile is an excellent choice for those with gaps, stained or missing teeth, individuals who do not qualify for dental implants, and generally anyone who wants a radiant smile but for whatever reason does not wish to have any of the other procedures outlined above, or is not a good candidate for them.
Call today to schedule a consultation and see which of these procedures are right for your cosmetic dental needs.